Protecting Human Rights, Ensuring Justice, & Enhancing Welfare via Applying Psychological Concepts to Law

Kaplan Forensic Psychological Services

Lauren E. Kaplan, Psy.D.

Clinical and Forensic Psychology

Protecting Human Rights, Ensuring Justice, & Enhancing Welfare via the Application of Psychological Concepts to Law

dr kaplan

   Kaplan Forensic Psychological Services
Lauren E. Kaplan, Psy.D.

Clinical and Forensic Psychology

All forensic referrals are accepted only through contracts with courts or attorneys at law. Dr. Kaplan does not accept referrals directly from court-involved private parties.  Forensic assessment services require a partial advance payment of the estimated cost of the examination.

Dr. Kaplan conducts forensic evaluations and provides expert testimony in State and Federal Court.  These evaluations are either court ordered, or she is retained by the defense or prosecution.  Regardless the origin of the referral, the guiding ethics of a forensic psychologist is to serve the trier-of-fact (judge and/or jury).  As such, her goal is to help the trier-of-fact have a better understanding of a defendant/plaintiff by explaining complex concepts to assist with matters the court is considering.

In addition to education, training, knowledge, and experience, all opinions are based upon the records and information provided.  A detailed list of forensic services and associated cases on which Dr. Kaplan has assisted can be provided upon request.

*Insurance is not taken at this time


Contact Us

My Office

600 West Main Street, Suite 100

Louisville, Kentucky 40202

Ph:  502.403.7739 

Fax: 502.410.0024

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